Apr 20 2009

Joshua Has Proclaimed Dad as a “Minorly Famous Person”

Published by at 9:08 pm under Happenings

After the attention that the tea parties around the nation, the FairTax is starting to rise in the consciousness of many as well.  In fact, last week the Missouri house actually brought the state version of the FairTax out to the floor of the House and passed it!  It have support from Democrats and Republicans.  This week it is being considered in the state Senate where it’s passage will be more difficult, but nobody thought it would ever get this far – so stay tuned…

For those of you who might not be able to see our local news, you may want to see the first 30 seconds of the Kelsey’s 15 minutes of fame – check it. (It actually starts automatically – and that can be VERY annoying 🙁 )

[Edited: I changed this to just a link so it wouldn’t play and annoy people…]


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