We had a great trip to Kansas. Thanks to Jill’s portable DVD player the kids were relatively fight free (we have to get us one of those). Usually we stay in a hotel room when we go and do a Biblical peacemaking weekend. But this time we were going outside of our conference so it was more like a visit with friends where we just happened to be sharing instead of the other way around. So we broke our rule and stayed with the Johnston’s. They have a great place with lots of land, a trail to walk, and a dog named Zoe – which was a little bit of a challenge for our family’s canine neuroses.
Joshua got a picture of us all – this was just as we were leaving.

The kids had fun – here are the boys.

And the girls had fun too, due in part to the boys being out of their hair. (Caleb is the master of the frames that come with the camera…)

Joshua got to ride bikes around. The boys smashed up lego cars. Anything built to be broken is a genius toy idea! The girls got to talk and hang out together.
Now Nathan did get sick on Sabbath morning. This caused Laura to have to stay home for Sabbath School and church, but he made a quick recovery after a nap and keeping down some crackers. So they joined us up at the church in the afternoon. In the evening there was a talent share as a church social. Yes, we have video, but for the sake of people we don’t even know – we won’t make them famous. It was fun.
We are headed off today for another weekend of teaching Biblical peacemaking principles. This time we are traveling outside of our usual territory of Iowa and Missouri. We’re going to Kansas. It will be about 6.5 hours to get there. But the kids have become veteran travelers. With all the electronic crutches available today, it’s not that hard really. I remember when having a Mattel electronic Football game with red LED’s that lit up as you mashed the buttons with three rows to choose from as you blipped your way across the little screen made for hours of mind numbed entertainment. That’s nothing compared to today!
Anyway, we will be seeing our old friends, Tim and Linda Johnston, who used to attend church with us before they moved away. They saw us at camp meeting last summer and Tim’s brother Tom attended the peacemaking sessions we had there. Tim was convinced that his church could benefit from learning these things and was diligent in making sure that we got scheduled to come out there. His persistence paid off and we are on our way.
It’s rainy this morning and I understand that the weather is pretty snowy out on the great plains – so this could be an interesting trip. We’ll update you when we get back.
Not much to say here – just look at these photos of a hawk that sat looking around our back yard. I think he was looking for some food. Maybe he was tracking that huge snake I almost ran over with the lawn mower earlier in the summer (sorry, no pictures of that thing!).

Pretty wild, huh?